Meet your new English Community Manager: JoltSw1tch! He’s ready and raring to support the English Conqueror’s Blade community, and you may have already seen him active in our Discord.

We sat down with JoltSw1tch and quizzed him about all things Conqueror’s Blade, Community Management, and Super Mario.

Welcome to the Conqueror’s Blade team! Were you a fan before you joined?


Thanks for the warm welcome! I have always been a BIG fan of RTS (real-time strategy) games, and I am enjoying the community and gameplay of Conqueror's Blade.


Tell us how you got started in Community Management.


Community Management is a huge part of my life. I've enjoyed the ins and outs of speaking with communities and being the voice for many. I've always been a gamer, and my Community Management in gaming started about six years ago with a gaming podcast, that evolved into an opportunity in esports, and has brought me here today.

What do you hope to bring to the community in Conqueror’s Blade?


I always hope to bring every community a fresh perspective. Watching people try new things and the joy and excitement they feel when they learn something new is a driving force for me. I hope to help experienced players game vicariously through me and help new players to learn as I do. I also hope to engage people who haven't been introduced to or played Conqueror's Blade.

What was the first game you ever played? And what is your current fave?


Oh, this is going to sound so cliche. The first game I ever played was Super Mario. Recently, I've been playing Conqueror's Blade, Hogwarts Legacy, and God of War. Every game has its positives!

Any other fun hobbies?


Outside of work, I spend time with family, walking my dogs, and gaming.

Talk us through your build in Conqueror’s Blade—weapon of choice, favourite Units to bring along, and even your Attire!


Currently, it's whatever I can afford. I started with Longsword & Shield because I have experience in armoured combat and enjoy being on the front lines, so I leaned into it for selecting my first class. I'm a player who enjoys 100 %ing games, so I rolled back to Season I and started playing with those Units. I have the Pike Militia, Ironcap Swordsmen, and Incendiary Archers. I wanted to make sure to cover different levels of range. Attire is literally just the best armour I can find at this time.

If you could enter the world of Conqueror's Blade, what would be the first thing you did?


Practice, practice, practice. There's no eating or sleeping in Conqueror's Blade, so I'd focus on bettering my abilities any way I could.

You can get in touch with JoltSw1tch via Discord, catch him on the Conqueror’s Blade Twitch channel along with the full team, and watch his English (EN) streams on Mondays with KT_Peridot.