Unlock rewards with Golden Keys (via the ‘G’ menu) before March 14 to claim star-studded Hero Attire and other stellar cosmetics inside celestial Attire Chests. 

Glorious Sun Attire Chest

Bask in the rays of the Glorious Sun Attire Chest. Use your Golden Keys to claim unique cosmetics, including Hero, Unit, and Mount Attire. The ultimate reward is the Ordre Du Ciel Hero Attire, which will transform your look into one worthy of a true sun god.

Centauri Stars Attire Chest

Use your Golden Keys via the ‘G’ menu Store to grab this astral Attire Chest with out-of-this-world contents, including Hero and Unit Attire, Banners, and the Centaur's Wrath Bow Weapon Attire.

You can view the full contents of both Attires Chests in-game.