Do you have what it takes to win for your country? Prove it, and register now to play in the Nation Cup! Make history in the first community-run Conqueror’s Blade World Championship event, hosted by Madshin and supported by Conqueror’s Blade Community Managers. 

Join the action as national teams of eight players duke it out for prizes, pride, and the title of Nation Cup Champions.

Registration is open now until July 23 via Discord, so gather your allies and prepare to fight! Selection of the national team captains will take place between July 24-31. For the pacifists among us, you can still catch the matches on our official Twitch channel and the CB Rivals channel.

The Nation Cup will be hosted by your Community Team including Milord, JoltSw1tch, KT_Peridot, Malveque, and our fabulous content creators from August 7

Keep an eye on the Nation Cup Discord channel for the official schedule coming soon!