Your home region’s towns may fly your banners and parts of the Borderlands may have bent the knee, but the ultimate prize - the keys of the Conqueror’s City, are not yet within your grasp. However, they are now there for the taking!

Crowning the mightiest peak at the heart of the Borderlands, the Conqueror’s City now stands ready to challenge the foolish and the brave. Now that the final Season II campaign is live, if during an upcoming Territory Wars* you have to what takes to secure one of the four gates that guard its entrance, you can make plans for an assault on Conqueror’s City itself.

Taking the city is one thing, it’s quite another to hold it. Only if its walls are part of your domain when Season II ends can you claim ultimate victory and take your place alongside the greatest warriors the world has ever known.

To battle!

*Please note that March 3rd's Territory Wars will be conducted in "Drill Mode". This is to allow players an opportunity to try out the new mechanics for themselves. You can read about Drill Mode on the events page.