Prove your mettle in the All or Nothing limited-time event from now until October 27 to earn Stars to exchange for Treasure Troves, which can contain new Weapon Skins!

Simply play Colosseum Mode to earn Stars. Winning a battle will award you with 1 Star, but be careful—losing one battle means losing all the Stars you have accumulated so far. Exchange them while you can, or take the gamble for more Stars!

To give you a chance to grab more Stars, the Colosseum Mode will be open longer during this period. Check out the new times below:

  • 16:00 CEST - 20:00 CEST (EU) / 07:00 - 11:00 PDT (NA2) / 10:00 - 14:00 EDT (NA3) 
  • 22:00 CEST - 02:00 CEST (EU) / 13:00 - 17:00 PDT (NA2) / 16:00 - 20:00 EDT (NA3)

You can exchange your Stars for Treasure Troves via the Event Page. Your first Golden Trove is guaranteed to include one of the following random Colosseum-themed Weapon Skins:

  • Crowd-Pleaser's Poleaxe
  • Tridentine Spear
  • Cheetah's Dagger

Treasure Troves can include Treatises, Silver Keys, Gold Dust, Epic and Rare Artillery, and two brand-new items that can be consumed to receive a special bonus before a battle: Victory Horn & Protection Charm

Using a Victory Horn will grant you 2 Stars for a win, and consuming a Protection Charm will prevent the loss of Stars if you are defeated.

Protection Charms can also be purchased from the in-game Store for extra self-preservation.

Limited-Time Doctrine Pool

Until November 10, you can gain access to a new Doctrine Pool, which includes a brand-new Epic Doctrine. When the event ends, this Doctrine will be added to the pools permanently.

Start your winning streak in the Colosseum and earn Stars today!